How much can local forests and farmland offset greenhouse gas emissions from households and businesses?
Read our new report “Forests, Farmland, and Climate Change Mitigation in the Delaware River Basin”
The Delaware River Basin is an interesting region to test how far forests and farmlands can go in offsetting local emissions: the watershed is home to more than 8.6 million people and one of the largest cities in the U.S. (Philadelphia), but it also holds large areas of farmland and forest.
Clear Climate Strategies worked with colleagues at Shippensburg University and University of Pennsylvania to compile a comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory of the Delaware River Basin, including a detailed look at carbon sequestration from forests and farmland. We also used cutting-edge GIS modeling to assess how much carbon sequestration could be enhanced using regenerative farming and forestry practices.
This project was commission by the William Penn Foundation, to support their strategic planning for programs that connect water, climate, and social justice outcomes.